The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (3rd edition, p.83-84) promises a new life filled with hope, freedom and happiness. Promise one is the first in a series of 12 articles that examines and reflects upon the rewards of recovery. After all, if you go through the painstaking process of recovering from alcoholism, you need to have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If you truly put your heart and soul into the steps outlined in the Big Book, it is absolutely possible for you to enjoy the promises of recovery.

The 1st Promise of Recovery from alcoholism states that "we are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness."

What exactly does that mean$%:

One model:

Is it waking up without a hangover$%:

Is it remembering everything you did the night before$%:

Is it being excited about the challenges of your upcoming day$%:

Is it cherishing the relationships with your family and friends$%:

It is all of the above and much more!

Donny, a friend of mine, related the following story at his AA home group which clearly illustrates the promise of a new freedom and a new happiness.

"I was standing at my favorite viewpoint a few hours before the big meeting of celebration. I had actually gone a whole year without taking a drink! This is so cool!

The sun was shining brightly over the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean and the majestic beauty of the snow capped mountains on the horizon. I felt calm, serene and most importantly I could breathe. I no longer had the tight chest, nausea and anxiety that consumed me on a daily basis. Life was no longer an out of control, chaotic and painful experience. I was living in the moment and embracing every sweet breath flowing in and out of my body. I felt connected to my higher power, nature, and my fellow man.

It was such hard work in the early months of recovery when I lived in daily fear of relapsing to the dreaded disease. I feared every knock on my door and every phone call. It had to be the police or my lawyer telling me I was in big trouble again. I was told to go to meetings on a daily basis and get involved in a step group.

I quickly began to realize that my problems with alcohol were shared by my whole step group. They were or had been just as frightened and paranoid as I was. I trusted the group and they trusted me. Could it be possible to stay sober one day at a time$%: I was still not sure that I could do it but I felt a flicker of hope at each meeting I attended. I could see it in "their" eyes and I could feel it in my heart. I was committed to staying sober even if it was going to be a long, winding and incredibly bumpy road.

As I was reflecting upon the past year I was very grateful for the tremendous support I had received from my family, friends and new girlfriend. I did not exactly know what had happened, but here was something different about me. I was happy and I had a strange sensation of lightness and freedom. Oh my gosh, one of the promises had just come true. I dropped to my knees and with tears in my eyes I thanked my higher power. There was a new freedom and a new happiness in my life!"

Donny's heartwarming story illustrates that it is entirely possible for us to "know a new freedom and a new happiness."

Thousands of AA members have related similar experiences after they embraced the steps suggested in the AA program.

If you are struggling in your recovery, remember that "the Promises are being fulfilled among us-- sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them."

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